The iCan language school took part in the conference "Po roku pomoci odídencom z Ukrajiny vo odídencom" in Prešov and presented there its author's textbooks for children of foreigners, which Ukrainian schoolchildren study in Slovakia today.
iCan School has been helping Ukrainians since the first days of the war in the form of permanent programs of free language courses for children and adults. But our biggest contribution was the project
"Slovenčina pre deti cudzincov - pomôcka pre pedagogov a rodičov pri inklúzii detí cudzincov do výchovno-vzdelávacieho procesu v Slovenskej republike", implemented with the support of UNICEF and Erasmus+. Within the framework of this project, we developed and launched iCan language school materials - books, notebooks, dictionaries and methodical materials for school-aged children.