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The workbooks "Aha, Slovenčina!" have been approved by the Slovak Ministry of Education!

We are pleased to announce that the workbooks "Aha, Slovenčina!", developed under the supervision of K. Bačkai and M. Uličná, have been officially approved by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of Slovakia. According to the latest decision of the Ministry under Act No. 245/2008, the workbooks have been recognised as recommended teaching materials for use in the educational process in schools.
The approval was granted based on the opinion of the National Institute of Education and Youth in Bratislava.
This recognition confirms the high qualification of the authors of the Aha, slovenčina! series of books and notebooks, whose co-operation we are very proud of.
The notebooks "Pracovný zošit 1 Aha, slovenčina!", "Pracovný zošit 2 Aha, slovenčina!" will be officially registered as recommended teaching materials from 17 June 2024 and until 31 August 2029 and 31 August 2034 respectively.

We are encouraged that the materials are now nationally recognised.

For those who would like to find out more or purchase the notebooks and the first and only Slovak language textbooks for children of foreigners and Slovaks living abroad >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>