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Top 9 reasons to study in Slovakia

Pretty little towns and great opportunities for internships throughout Europe. Low living costs and affordable quality education. There are not the only reasons to study in Slovakia.
Pretty little towns and great opportunities for internships throughout Europe. Low living costs and affordable quality education. There are not the only reasons to study in Slovakia.
You’ll have great opportunities to reach practice all over the Europe. And, surely, it’s a good chance to get affordable quality education in the country with low living expenses. There are only some of reasons to go to the Slovak university.

1.Studding programs for everyone

There are so many programs that whoever will find something useful for himself. The list of possible directions is practically infinite, from applied informatics and biotechnologies to international economic relations or corporate psychology. Some programs are also available in English.

2. Education and evaluation systems meet world standards

The first (bachelor) degree usually lasts three years, in some cases - four. The second (master or engineering) degree usually lasts two years (in rare cases - 1 or 3). However, there are exceptions in medical directions, where studies are not divided and it is necessary to disaccustom at once 6 years. Fellowship, as a rule, lasts from 3 to 4 years. As for the evaluation, an international "Bologna" credit system is used.

3. Qualitative universities can be found not only in Bratislava

Although most of the advanced Slovak higher education institutions are located in the capital, high-quality education can also be obtained in other cities, such as, for example, Kosice, Banska Bystrica, Nitra, Trnava, Trencin, Presov, or Zvolen.

4. Admission is possible without entrance examinations

In a significant part of higher education institutions, entrance examinations are required (University of Comenius in Bratislava, University of Economics in Bratislava, Matei Bela University in Banská Bystrica and so on), but there are also those where the "maturita" (the Slovak equivalent of the Unified State Examination). Among this group there are also advanced universities of Slovakia (for example, Slovak Technical University in Bratislava). However, one should keep in mind that the admission rules can be different and within the same university, depending on the faculty or even the direction.

5. Education in public universities is free, but in private universities is affordable

According to the laws of the country, foreign citizens have are able to study in Slovak universities on equal terms with Slovak citizens. Therefore, education in public universities is free for all, regardless of citizenship under the conditions that teaching is conducted in the Slovak language and the student does not repeat the course. For a repetitive rate, a fee is charged, the amount of which is determined by the university. Private higher education starts already at 1000 euros per year, however, in some cases the price goes up to 10,000 euros per year.

6. There are a number of scholarships and grants for foreign students

Foreign students can receive, for example, a Scholarship of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic, or a scholarship of the Government of the Slovak Republic. The website of the Slovak Academic Information Agency (SAIA), which works in Slovak and English, is also a useful source of the latest and most comprehensive information on scholarships and grants in the country. Also look at the Study In Slovakia portal, which works in English.

7. Students enjoy various benefits

As a student in Slovakia, you have the right to preferential use of public transport (trains, buses, public transport). If you are, moreover, an EU citizen, using the majority of trains for you is completely free. With the help of an international card for ISIC students you will also have the opportunity of preferential or free visits to museums, theaters and cinemas, and also you can get discounts in some shops and hotels.

8. While studying in Slovakia you can easily travel throughout Europe

After receiving a student residence permit in Slovakia, you can easily travel to the countries of the European Union. In addition, there are ample opportunities for internships and student exchanges, not only on the basis of bilateral agreements between universities, but also in the framework of pan-European programs, such as Erasmus + or Erasmus Mundus.

9. Extracurricular life in Slovakia is rich and diverse

Extra-curricular time can be spent, for example, participating in numerous student and community projects. In addition, the "start-up" environment is actively developing, in almost all major cities there are several coworking areas and places where various events for young entrepreneurs are regularly organized, often with the support of large innovative companies and venture funds. But, of course, each student sometimes also you just need to relax and socialize with new friends. The culture of city cafes, sports and, of course, night clubs is widespread.

We hope that this information was useful for you, dear friends! We will be glad to know from you which of these points are of greatest interest, as well as what other issues could be discussed in the future.
2016-12-06 12:25