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University of Presov in Presov

Prešov, together with Bratislava, Trnava and Košice represent the 4 oldest centers of higher education in Slovakia. The first higher education institution in Prešov was the Evangelical Collegium, opened in 1667.

The oldest part of the University of Prešov is the Greek Catholic Theological Faculty, which was founded in 1880 as a Greek Catholic Theological Academy.

The oldest part of the University of Prešov is the Greek Catholic Theological Faculty, which was founded in 1880 as a Greek Catholic Theological Academy.

In 1997, on the basis of the faculties of the University of Prešov, the Paul Josef Šafárik University in Košice was established.

This university is interested in Russian-speaking students and therefore the university administration is ready to create all conditions for the education of foreigners. We consider the Faculty of Management to be the most interesting.

The University of Prešov offers studies at the following faculties:

Faculty of Philosophy (Filozofická fakulta).
Greek Catholic Faculty of Theology (Gréckokatolícka teologická fakulta).
Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences (Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied).
Faculty of Management (Fakulta manažmentu, ekonomiky a obchodu)
Faculty of Pedagogy (Pedagogická fakulta)
Orthodox Theological Faculty (Pravoslávna bohoslovecká fakulta)
Faculty of Sports (Fakulta športu)
Faculty of Health Care (Fakulta zdravotníctva)

Application deadlines for enrollment:

Bachelor's degree (1. stupeň), study in English or Slovak, full-time study form

05.12.2023 - 30.04.2024

You can check the application dates here

Learning Opportunities:

There are undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs, as well as the opportunity to earn an associate or full professor degree at the university.


Teaching is in Slovak. There are preparatory language courses at the university. There is a chair of the Russian language.


No different from the requirements for Slovak students. Nostrification of the certificate/diploma is obligatory for continuing studies.


Free tuition is provided only in the Slovak language.
Tuition fees for study programs exclusively in a language other than the state language

  • Bachelor's degree program 1 000 €
  • Master's degree program 2 000 €
  • for doctoral programs 3 000 €

Full price list of tuition and fees


International Treaties:

Students of these universities have the opportunity to enroll at the University of Prešov under other conditions, such as exchange:

- State Academy of Slavic Culture, Moscow, Russia
- Uzhgorod State University, Ukraine
- M.P. Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Kiev, Ukraine
- Institute of Regional Studies at the National Academy of Sciences, Lviv, Ukraine
- Stefanik National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
- Kyiv Slavic University, Lviv Branch, Ukraine.

The address of the university's main building is:

Nam. legionárov 3, 080 01 Prešov

Slovak language tests

You can test your knowledge of Slovak language with the A1 level test or use quick tests to improve your language skills.
During the test, you will receive the results immediately, know the correct answers and can improve your skills.

Slovak language courses for university entrance

Before moving to Slovakia, learning Slovak language plays a key role in successful adaptation and integration into the new environment. Lack of knowledge of the language can lead to a number of difficulties and awkward situations. Such is the case with student Jana's situation.

Jana, who moved to Slovakia to study, decided to visit a local store to buy fresh bread. She entered the store and saw a sign with the words “špeciálna ponuka” on the bread counter. She decided to ask the sales clerk what it meant.

  • Jana: Good afternoon, I don't understand what 'špeciálna ponuka' means. Can you help me?
  • Seller: Sure, it means that today we have 'čerstvý chlieb z pece' in stock at a special price.
  • Jana: How can bread from the oven be stale?
  • The seller, not understanding the question, shows her fresh bread.
Jana was confused, because she was shown fresh bread, but for some reason they called it stale.
She felt embarrassed because of the misunderstanding and bought the bread and left the store as soon as possible.

As you can see, communicating with the local population and carrying out daily activities can become much more difficult. This can create feelings of isolation and frustration, as well as affect your overall adjustment. You should also consider that without language skills, you may find it difficult to understand the legal system, laws and regulations, which can affect your safety and legal status in the country. Overall, learning Slovak before moving to Slovakia is an important step for successful adaptation, networking and achieving professional and personal goals.

Courses at iCan School are based on intensity and practical orientation. In a short period of time you will learn the basics of the language and immerse yourself in its authentic use. The teachers at iCan School are professionals with extensive experience working with international students. During your studies, you will be actively involved in various learning activities that contribute to effective learning and overcoming language barriers. The intensive Slovak language course is designed so that you can immediately put your knowledge into practice. We also provide additional resources and materials for independent language learning outside of lessons.
2024-03-20 14:04