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Top - 4 Technical universities in Slovakia

Top - 4 Technical universities in Slovakia

Today, we are going to fulfill our promise to inform you about the best universities in Slovakia. The list of top Slovak universites is sled by the Slovak University of of Technology in Bratislava, University of Žilina, the Technical university in Košice and Alexandra Dubcek University of Trencin.
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave)
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (hereinafter referred to as "STU") is a modern educational and scientific institution. More than 145.000 students have graduated there since its foundation in the year 1937. In average, 17.000 students study at the STU every year. The studies at its faculties are performed at 3 levels: the bachelor degree study programe,the engineer or master degree study programe,the doctorate degree study programe.
The best faculties:
1. Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology STU in Bratislava (Fakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológie)
The Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology has an exceptional position, it is the only faculty in the system of Slovak university education providing complete university education based on first-rate chemical-engineering and natural science theoretical foundations.
2. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology STU in Bratislava (Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky)
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology as one of the oldest technical faculties in Slova- kia with rich scientific and research activities has offers quality academical education on the basis of free scientific research and creative experimental development.
3. The Faculty of Civil Engineering (Stavebná fakulta)
The Faculty of Civil Engineering (FCE) was founded in 1938 as the first faculty of the Slovak University of Technology (STU). It was originally located in both Košice and Martin. The launching of its first departments laid the foundations not only for the present Faculty, but also for technical education as a whole in Slovakia. Instruction give by three departments: the Department of Building Construction and Transportation, the Department of Water and Cultural Engineering and the Department of Surveying.
4. Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies (Fakulta informatiky a inf. technológií)
Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies (FIIT) is one of the seven faculties of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (SUT). FIIT SUT covers the varied area of informatics and information technologies (IIT) in both research and education. FIIT is the first faculty in the Slovak Republic with such mission. In spite of the fact, that FIIT is a new faculty, SUT has long-term experiences in the area of IIT and has achieved several substantial results in this area. A base for the FIIT formation was the place of work, which guaranteed education and research in IIT at the Slovak University of Technology till the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies was established.
5. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (Strojnícka fakulta)
A degree programme at FME STU will prepare you for you career by a sound, technological training, analytical skills and valuable assets for the employment market. The Faculty maintains close links with international industries such as Volkswagen, Kia, Peugeot-Citroën, Siemens, IBM inter alia, a strategic alliance contributing to the relevance of its academic programs and career prospects for its graduates.
6. Faculty of Materials Science and Technology STU in Bratislava (Materiálovotechnologická fakulta)
The Faculty of Materials Science and Technology is not in Bratislava, it is in Trnava. Faculty became an awarded finalist of the Slovak Republic National Quality Award 2008 in the category "other public sector organizations". The faculty was accredited in the proccess of the Slovak republic academic institutions complex accreditation as university faculty of university type academic institution.
7. Faculty of Architecture (Fakulta architektúry)
The Faculty of Architecture STU is the largest educational institution for architects in the Slovak Republic. The trends of the Faculty are developed and based on ongoing development of the "university platform" of University Education.
UNIVERSITY OF ŽILINA (Žilinská univerzita)
It’s one of the best Eropean transport universities, which was establishad in 1953 and now have more than 7 faculties. At present there are about 13,000 students. Study is provided in Slovak language at the University.
The best faculties:
1. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (Strojnícka fakulta)
The faculty has gradually made the transition to the three-level system of higher education in five programs of the first (B.Sc.) level, ten programs of the second (M.Sc.) level and nine programs of the third (Ph.D.) level.
2. Faculty of Electrical Engineering (Elektrotechnická fakulta)
3. Faculty of Management Science and Informatics (Fakulta riadenia a informatiky)
4. The Faculty of Civil Engineering (Stavebná fakulta)
The Technical University of Košice (Technická univerzita v Košiciach)
The Technical University of Košice was founded in 1952, but its roots must be sought much deeper in the past. The number of students currently attending nine TUKE faculties is around 9 000. You can study in Slovak and English languages there.
The best faculties:
1. Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with a seat in Prešov (Fakulta výrobných technólogií so sídlom v Prešove)
2. Faculty of Metallurgy (Hutnícka fakulta)
3. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (Strojnícka fakulta)
4. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky)
5. Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnology (Fakulta BERG)
6. Faculty of Aeronautics (Letecká fakulta)
7. Faculty of Civil Engineering (Stavebná fakulta)
University of Alexander Dubček in Trenčín (Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne)
The Alexander Dubcek University of Trenčín was founded on 1 July 1997 as a state higher education institution and ranks among the youngest universities in Slovakia. It is located in Trenčín, a regional capital of the Považie region which occupies an economical and industrial eminent position in Slovakia.
The university is divided into four faculties (Special Technology, Industrial Technologies, Mechatronics, and Social and Economic Science) and several institutes, the youngest ones being The Institute of Natural Sciences and Humanities (2002) and The Institute of Public Health and Nursing (2004).
The best facultiy:
Faculty of Special Technology (Fakulta priemyselných technológií).
2016-12-13 12:34